martedì 3 aprile 2012

Chocolate wrap?

Hallo my fellow decoupagers,

I have a new technical question for you: how to decoupage with aluminium chocolate wraps?

I collected some of my fave chocolates wraps (haven't eaten all fo them, though) and I would like to use them, but there is something that isn't clear to me:

how can I glue the wraps? 
  • is it vinyl glue enough?
  • should I lay vinyl glue on the top as with normal paper?
what would you suggest?

venerdì 23 marzo 2012

Blind item

Object: wood pic frame
Composition: billboards, personal pictures
Dimensions: 18x22x1cm

Inspiration: I went to Bremen (yes, it's my fave city) and I prepared a gift for another friend, but didn t have the chance to give it; so I have to wait for next time, which I hope will be soon, sth like in April, and then I will be able to publish the blind item :) hang in theeeeere!

martedì 20 marzo 2012

Wall Decoupage?

Dear friends,

I'm writing to submit a technical question: how can you do some decoupage on an indoor wall?

I've got a project in my mind, but there are some issues I'd like to overcome with your help:

how can I remove the decoupage from the wall afterwards, if I have to change house for example, or to leave it repainted to the owner?

the material I use besides paper are:
  • vinyl glue
  • transparent spray polish
what would you suggest?

domenica 11 marzo 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Object: aluminium box
Composition:billboards, personal pictures
Dimensions: 10x20x0,5cm

Inspiration: I went to visit a friend in Bremen and one of the main plans was to watch Breaking Dawn as it's our tradition, or better she initiated me to the Twilight Saga; also since our friendship is an important and quite long one, I picked some pics of us and our common friends together; this box contained a groupon voucher for a couple to go to the spa :)

sabato 4 giugno 2011

Gegen Die Wand - Head-on - La sposa turca

Object: cardboard box
Dimensions: 7,8x5x2cm

Inspiration: a hairdresser was so nice to do my hair on sunday (for my nephew's christening) so I thought I could bring her sth for the overtime work. so I took a chewing gum box and started.... decorating!

venerdì 13 maggio 2011

Rocky Balboa

Object: cardboard box
Dimensions: 9,8x4,8x9,8cm
Inspiration: a lipton tea box I kept and i decorated to give it as a b-day present (filled with tea) to a friend of mine with whom we always have tea

giovedì 17 febbraio 2011

Romanzo Criminale

Object: organizer

Inspiration: an old organizer that needed to be renewed, i decorated the separators and the bookmark